
This February, we have the honour of hosting the annual university brass band competition, UniBrass, at our very own Warwick Arts Centre! For us, as a band, this is the most exciting event of the year, and we feel very fortunate to be given the opportunity to host and receive students from all over the country for the biggest contest in British university brass banding!

Organising this years contest is the UniBrass organising committee, formed from volunteer members of the Brass Society. This is no mean feat and we are incredibly proud of what they’ve achieved so far and cannot wait to experience the full event on the 11th February 2023!

Of course, no contest is complete without an audience, so we’d love to invite all of you to join us in supporting our band as we compete for the UniBrass Shield, as well as all the other amazing university bands that are joining us for what will be a weekend to remember for years to come!

If you cannot make it in-person this year, don’t worry, you can also watch the contest online by purchasing a streaming ticket! Tickets to watch the contest in-person and/or online can be found by following the buttons below.

In addition to an amazing afternoon of music from the university bands, The Cory Band, current European Champions, will be performing an unforgettable Gala Concert to conclude UniBrass 2023.
Cory is widely renowned for its exciting performances and is recognised as one of Wales’s finest and most innovative music ensembles.

This will be hosted in the Arts Centre’s very own Butterworth Hall making this a concert not to miss!!

More information and tickets can be found using the button below.

The Brass Society is a fun, friendly, and lively society, all about brass and percussion! Whether you already play brass or percussion, or you would like to learn, there is something for everyone in our four different ensembles. Our Beginners’ and Intermediates’ brass groups can help you to pick up a brass instrument for the first time, our professionally conducted main brass band performs in concerts and contests year-round, and our auditioned symphonic dectet tackles challenging classical and contemporary music.

BrassSoc is committed to maintaining a high standard of music across all the ensembles, as shown by the recent successes of our main brass band in contests around the country, as well as our performances at regular concerts. Of course, it’s not just about the music, and as a society we hold a wide range of socials and activities during the year, from bowling and bar crawls, to our annual Pudding Social, as well as a yearly tour, which this year saw us in Barcelona (AKA Brasselona)!

If this sounds like the perfect opportunity for you, we are always very excited to welcome new members to the society, and I hope to see you at a rehearsal or concert soon! If you have any queries, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Jack Oram, Brass Society President 2024-25

Main Band

Main band is the society's largest ensemble. It competes regularly in contests and plays numerous concerts throughout the year. You don't need to audition to join, so come along and play some music!

Symphonic Brass

Symphonic Brass are a fully auditioned ten piece group who push the boundaries with brass music, playing a variety of contemporary and classical music.

Beginners Brass

Beginners Brass is the perfect ensemble for anyone new to brass playing. Members are offered free tuition and the chance to learn a brand new instrument in a fun environment.

Intermediates Brass

Progressed on from Beginners, or just coming back to playing after a while? Then Intermediates is the perfect group for you!

There are no upcoming events.

Alice Buist
Alice Buist
Beginners' Brass Coordinator

Hi, I’m Alice! I’m a 2nd year Maths student and am one of this year’s Beginners Brass Coordinators. I play cornet in main band and enjoy running the beginners band with Alasdair. My favourite parts of BrassSoc this year were the UniBrass contest, our trip to Durham for Tri-Uni, and our many trips to watch some of the best brass bands in concerts and contests!

Will Henderson
Will Henderson
Social Secretary

Hello Fellas, I’m Will and I’m a second year Physics student but also your Social Secretary along with Jon. I play the euphonium, technically, but I’m also a trombone player. My favourite part of Brass Soc is probably the drinking socials… oh and the contests. Trombone supremacy.

Alasdair King
Alasdair King
Beginner's Brass Coordinator

Hey all! My name is Alasdair and I’m a 2nd year history student. This year, I’m acting as joint leader of the Beginners Brass group with Alice. My favourite memories of my first year in BrassSoc were the Whit Friday band contest and our excellent summer tour to Barcelona. I played cornet in main band last year, alongside trumpet in Symphonic Brass. This year I’ll be trying my hand as a flugelhorn player!

Leila Davis
Leila Davis
Busking & Charities Coordinator

Hello, I’m Leila and I play the tuba and study Computer Science! I started out playing the baritone horn when I was 8, but I switched to the tuba during sixth form and haven’t looked back since! I’ve involved myself in many music societies here at Warwick and when not in rehearsal or studying I can be found reading, crocheting or playing video games. This year I’m in charge of organising society busking sessions and charity fundraising!

Jon Whawell
Jon Whawell
Social Secretary

Hello there! I’m Jon and am in my 2nd year of  engineering ever closer to my limit. I’m Social Secretary along with Will. My favourite part of BrassSoc are surprisingly enough, the people and Bowling socials, which has not yet failed to produce entertainment for all involved. I play the bass trombone, and am getting increasingly worried that Jack will steal my role in main band.

Ben Lenaghan
Ben Lenaghan
Symphonic Brass Coordinator

I’m Ben, a second-year film student. I am the symphonic brass co-ordinator for this year which suits me because, in my opinion, trumpets are the best instruments. Outside of Brass soc you’ll find me watching films and tv or getting a cheeky pint at the Dirty Duck. My favourite part of brass last year was pub golf and I look forward to defending my crown this year.

Ellie Williams
Ellie Williams
Concert Manager

Hiya! I’m Ellie, a third year Maths and Physics student and the societies Concert Manager. Originally I was a double reed player, but started brass in second year and, after a (very) brief stint in beginners, joined the Baritone section in Main Band. I’m still in beginners (degree permitting), but am now attempting to play first cornet. I love playing with BrassSoc, especially at UniBrass (gotta appreciate a bari moment) and Whit Friday, but my favourite part of the society has to be the people and the many dumb (but funny) things we do!

Hannah Taylor
Hannah Taylor

Hi! I’m Hannah, a second year English and History student and Secretary for Brass Society this year. I primarily play the cornet but since coming to university, I have also enjoyed playing trumpet and flugelhorn with the Symphonic Brass ensemble and even a bit of tenor horn with the Beginners Brass group! The highlights of my time at BrassSoc so far have been a fabulous weekend away for Tri-Uni (our annual concert with Leeds and Durham), competing in my first ever UniBrass contest and of course, the many post-rehearsal trips to the Dirty Duck.

Rosie Barber
Rosie Barber
Marketing Manager

Hi! I’m Rosie, a 3rd year maths student and the society’s Marketing Manager. I was never a brass bander before uni, I’ve played trumpet since I was 10, was a proud 3rd cornet in Main Band in my 1st year and now play baritone horn. I’m also planning on learning trombone in Beginners’ Brass this year. My favourite part of BrassSoc is the opportunity to learn and play awesome music in a friendly environment, but most importantly getting to play at Whit Friday (like Christmas but better).

Jack Oram
Jack Oram

Hi! I’m Jack, a 4th year chemistry student and I am the president of the brass society after previously taking on the roles of treasurer and Beginners Brass coordinator. My favourite parts of the BrassSoc calendar are UniBrass (the interuniversity brass band contest), and the annual pudding social (involving eating pudding and watching Brassed Off). I play euphonium in the main band but have recently become partial to the bass trombone and BBb bass which I play in the Beginners Brass group.

Nick Godfrey
Nick Godfrey

Hi, I’m Nick, a 4th year mathematics student. I’ve been playing percussion since I was eight, cornet since I was nine, and as of the start of my second year, hold the highly coveted position of sop player (the sexiest seat in the whole band) for the society. I also play trumpet/picc in Symphonic Brass, our auditioned dectet. When I’m not busy doing my degree, I enjoy programming, swimming, walking at night, playing table tennis, and rollerskating before concerts. I’m proud to be treasurer in my final year with the society.

Rachel Caldwell
Rachel Caldwell
Librarian & Equipment Manager

Hey, I’m Rachel, a 2nd Year History student and Librarian and Equipment manager on the exec. I have been playing the Tenor horn since I was 10 years old, and have loved continuing brass banding through Brass Soc. My favourite moment at Warwick this year would have to be Tri-Uni in Durham (RIP Klute), and when I’m not in Brass Soc you can probably find me either despairing over Manchester United, or watching Doctor Who.